Facebook/Alexandra Vaidahazan
Aleksandra Vaidahazan

Aleksandra je pobedila na Svetskom prvenstvu u bodibildingu i fitnesu koje je održano u Budimpešti. Inače, prošle godine je postala evropski vice-šampion na izboru za Miss Fitness.

Sada se priprema za Mis Univerzuma i Evropsko prvenstvo u Italiji.

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Are you setting for yourself S.M.A.R.T. goals? (Specific-Measurable-Achievable-Relevant-Timestamped) A smart resolution is not a basic statement or wish.It is a clearly drawn pathway to succes,and a way to state not just what you want, but what you will do to acomplish it. Even if we talk about a meal plan, diet or workout plan, as a competitional athelete i have always had some specific guidelines in order to make my workethics more practical. I always found some of these ideas helpful when centering actions towards outcomes. All you need to do is: 1.Clearly define your goal.Make it as specific as possible, write down exaclty why you want to achieve this goal. 2.Make your goal measurable.Whatever you want to achieve make sure you have a way of measuring when you meet your goal. 3.Is your goal achievable in the suggested timeframe?What steps must you take in order to achieve this goal? 4.Be realistic about how long it will take to reach your goal and the steps you're going to have to complete in order to get there. 5.Time sensitive goals are more likely to be achieved, whereas a loose thought will get piled behind a "to do" list that will keep on growing. Good Monday morning and have a great one!?

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Squat.No Drama.Squat again.

A post shared by Alexandra Vaidahazan (@vaidahazan.a) on

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Best cardio approach for Burning Fat? ___________________________________ Beside your regular smart-clean-lean diet approach what are your “go to” strategies when talking about dropping a few pounds? How did you set it up for yourself? Are you killing calories or targeting fat?Are you still thinking it’s just about cardio and spending countless hours with little to no results?Did you lose most of your muscle mass in the process just to see the scaling needle take a break?Was it worth?Still using your bathroom scale to measure bodyfat percentage? Talking about either my dieting down phase in contest prepping or just when testing a new diet plan, here are my competition winning top 3 ideas to keep in mind when talking about approaching cardio as a weight/shape management tool: (without killing lean mass) 1.Always make sure you stretch your muscles before each and every single cardio session otherwise you will be feeling it your first minutes into the session. 2.Target your heart rate.(determine constantly your “fat burning zone” heart rate)Use a heart rate monitor and for the sake of progress drop the |220-age=heart rate| voodoo stuff, it is 2019 afterall. 3.Keep in mind Nutrition is 90% of any “getting mean and lean” cardio protocol.You can’t outwork a bad diet.

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