Ceo svet s tugom i nevericom primio vest o pogibiji Kobea Brajanta (41), jednog od najboljih košarkaša svih vremena.
Čim se pročulo da je legendarni američki igrač tragično izgubio život u helikopterskoj nesreći nadomak Los Anđelesa, ispred “Stejpls centra”, čuvene dvorane u tom gradu, počeli su da se okupljaju utučeni ljudi, mahom pristalice Lejkersa, u kojima je Kobe Brajant igrao celu karijeru (1996-2016). U njoj se održava 62. dodela nagrade “Gremi”, koja počinje minutom ćutanja.
I can’t even believe this is real… right now outside Staples. ?
— Chiney Ogwumike (@Chiney321) January 26, 2020
Fãs de Kobe Bryant foram para o Staples Center, em Los Angeles, e depositaram flores em frente ao local. Emocionadas, as pessoas choram e fazem silêncio em homenagem ao jogador. O local será palco do Grammy Awards nesta noite #Metrópoles
— Metrópoles (@Metropoles) January 26, 2020
Prve dve utakmice u NBA ligi nisu odložene, a Liga je potvrdila da je Brajant poginuo. Denver je domaćin Hjustonu, a San Antonio prvaku Torontu. U “Pepsi centru” Hjustonovi igrači su uslikani kako ridaju na vest o smrti legende.
Nuggets hold extended moment of silence for Kobe Bryant.
Spontaneously, a “Ko-be” chant breaks out.
— Mike Singer (@msinger) January 26, 2020
Toronto nije igrao u prve 24 sekunde meča. Tako je simbolično odao poslednju poštu Brajantu, koji je u drugom delu karijere u Lejkersima nosio dres s tim brojem. Isto je postupio i San Antonio. Publika je skandirala “Kobe, Kobe…”.
Raptors and Spurs dribble out the 24.
— Kirk Goldsberry (@kirkgoldsberry) January 26, 2020
Minutom ćutanja ukazana je počast i na Meču svih zvezda američke profesionalne fudbalske lige (NFL) u Orlandu.
“Medison Skver Garden” u Njujorku je u bojama Lejkersa…
MSG just switched the exterior lights to Purple and Gold. #RIPmamba
— Connor Nolte (@nolte) January 26, 2020
Od Brajanta su se na društvenim mrežama oprostili Karim Abdul Džabar, Pau Gasol, Šakil O`Nil…
Most people will remember Kobe as the magnificent athlete who inspired a whole generation of basketball players. But I will always remember him as a man who was much more than an athlete.
— Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (@kaj33) January 26, 2020
Beyond devastated… my big brother… I can’t, I just can’t believe it
— Pau Gasol (@paugasol) January 26, 2020
There’s no words to express the pain Im going through with this tragedy of loosing my neice Gigi & my brother @kobebryant I love u and u will be missed. My condolences goes out to the Bryant family and the families of the other passengers on board. IM SICK RIGHT NOW
— SHAQ (@SHAQ) January 26, 2020