Specijalni predstavnik za dijalog između Kosova i Srbije Ričard Grenel sukobio se sa bivšim asistentom Baraka Obame Nedom Prajsom, nakon što je Prajs u poruci na Tviteru ocenio da je Grenel postigao spektakularan neuspeh po pitanju dijaloga između Prištine i Beograda.
Prajs se osvrnuo i na Grenelovu globalnu kampanju za LGBT zajednicu, rekavši da mu stranka ne dozvoljava da o tome govori.
.@RichardGrenell consistently touted two marquee initiatives during his time in the administration: diplomacy between Kosovo and Serbia and global LGBTQ decriminalization. The first failed spectacularly, and the second is something his party won’t allow him to discuss. https://t.co/3c0AgMk5oD
— Ned Price (@nedprice) August 27, 2020
Kosovo and Serbia negotiations are at the White House next week.
Your team ignored the people of Serbia and Kosovo for 8 years. And never made decrim a priority.
Your current candidate @JoeBiden called gays a security risk! https://t.co/tblkkw0yKO
— Richard Grenell (@RichardGrenell) August 27, 2020
Što se tiče komentara o LGBT kampanji, Grenel je rekao da je kandidat demokrata za predsesnika Džo Bajden opisao gej zajednicu kao “bezbednosni rizik”.