Razorni požari bukte u brazilskim kišnim šumama već tri nedelje i zahvatili su više od polovine regiona Amazonije. Šumski požari u “plućima sveta” koja proizvode 20 posto ukupnog kiseonika na Zemlji mogu imati nesagledive posledice na životnu okolinu, a stručnjaci smatraju da su ih izazvali lokalni lovci i stočari.

Vesto o požarima se u svetskim medijima pojavila tek pre nekoliko dana kada su korisnici društvenih mreža počeli da dele informacije o ovoj ekološkoj krizi. Od tada je i sve veći broj slavnih ličnosti na svojim profilima digao glas o potencijalnoj globalnoh katastrofi.

Mađu prvima se oglasila čuvena brazilska manekenka Adrijana Lima koja je svoje pratioce informisala o onome što se dešava u njenoj zemlji.

Mnogi traže odgovornost brazilskog predsednika Žaira Bolsonara koga aktivisti okrivljuju da je ohrabrio drvoseče i poljoprivredike da eksploatišu i spaljuju šumu.

On poriče svoju krivicu, ali to nije ubedilo poznate ličnosti koje ga prozivaju da preduzme hitne meri i spreči veću katastrofu.

– Predsedniče Bolsonaro, molim vas da promenite svoju politiku i pomognete, ne samo svojoj zemlji, već i čitavoj planeti – napisala je pevačica Madona na Instagramu.

Poznate ličnosti apeluju i na svoje fanove da preduzmu akciju u vezi sa klimatskim promenama.

Američki glumac Leonardo Dikaprio pozvao je svoje pratioce da doniraju novac organizacijama koje se bore za spas Amazonije, kao i da na izborima glasaju za lidere koji razumeju klimatsku krizu.

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#Regram #RG @rainforestalliance: The lungs of the Earth are in flames. ? The Brazilian Amazon—home to 1 million Indigenous people and 3 million species—has been burning for more than two weeks straight. There have been 74,000 fires in the Brazilian Amazon since the beginning of this year—a staggering 84% increase over the same period last year (National Institute for Space Research, Brazil). Scientists and conservationists attribute the accelerating deforestation to President Jair Bolsonaro, who issued an open invitation to loggers and farmers to clear the land after taking office in January.⁣ ⁣ The largest rainforest in the world is a critical piece of the global climate solution. Without the Amazon, we cannot keep the Earth’s warming in check. ⁣ ⁣ The Amazon needs more than our prayers. So what can YOU do?⁣ ⁣ ✔ As an emergency response, donate to frontline Amazon groups working to defend the forest. ⁣ ✔ Consider becoming a regular supporter of the Rainforest Alliance’s community forestry initiatives across the world’s most vulnerable tropical forests, including the Amazon; this approach is by far the most effective defense against deforestation and natural forest fires, but it requires deep, long-term collaboration between the communities and the public and private sectors. ✔ Stay on top of this story and keep sharing posts, tagging news agencies and influencers. ⁣ ✔ Be a conscious consumer, taking care to support companies committed to responsible supply chains.⁣ Eliminate or reduce consumption of beef; cattle ranching is one of the primary drivers of Amazon deforestation. ✔ When election time comes, VOTE for leaders who understand the urgency of our climate crisis and are willing to take bold action—including strong governance and forward-thinking policy.⁣ ⁣ #RainforestAlliance #SaveTheAmazon #PrayForAmazonia #AmazonRainforest #ActOnClimate #ForestsResist #ClimateCrisis ?: @mohsinkazmitakespictures / Windy.com

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Mnogi korisnici Tvitera pod heštegom #prayforamazon (#molitvazaamazoniju) dele fotografije razornih požara i skreću pažnju na značaj šuma. Među njima su i članovi porodica Kardašijan i Džener, na čelu sa majkom Kris Džener.



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