youtube/Britney Spears
Britni Spirs

Pevačica Britni Spirs napustila je psihijatrisjku kliniku u kojoj je bila smeštena, kako tvrdi njen bivši saradnik, još od januara ove godine.

Britni Spirs su juče paparaci uslikali kako izlazi iz jednog hotela na Beverli Hilsu sa svojim dvanaest godina mlađim dečkom Semom koji je sve vreme štitio od fanova i novinara.

Brtini je u rukama nosila patike, telefon i torbu, a bila je u papučama i kratkoj haljini, raščupane kose i zbunjenog izraza lica.

Naime, Britni je hospitalizovana, prema tvrdnji njenog bivšeg saradnika protiv svoje volje u mentalnu ustanovu gde joj je ukazana pomoć.

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#FreeBritney #FreexBritney #JusticeForBritney #SaveBritney

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Ona je posle vesti da je njenom ocu, koji je imao operaciju i proveo na klinici 28 dana, odlučila da se okrene porodici.

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#FREEBRITNEY: STAGED PHOTO OP: Something is not right. After missing for 3 months a rather distant-sad Britney is seen on Easter Sunday. Prior to entering the wellness facility, her Instagram shows a very happy and healthy Britney. From yoga, to working out, spending time with the kids. Many are questioning whether or not Britney Spears was FORCED against her will into treatment as part of her #conservatorship. Because Jamie Spears, her father, is her ‘Legal Guardian’ he is able to force treatment upon her as Britney is deemed ‘’mentally ill’. If this is the case, and we suspect it is, this would be a gross abuse of the guardianship and civil rights. #humanrights #civilrights #consent #metoo Supporters and human rights activists will be marching in protest of this abuse today at 4PM @ WEST HOLLYWOOD CITY HALL. #fightconservatorshipabuse #stopguardianshipabuse #FREEBRITNEY #savebritney

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Međutim, kako pišu strani mediji, Britni je u jednom trenutku prestala da uzima terapiju koju je pila još od 2007. godine, kada je doživela nervni slom i ošišala se na ćelavo u jednom frizerskom salonu u Los Anđelesu. Zbog toga je odluka porodice bila da je smeste u ustanovu kako bi joj pomogli.



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