EPA/Philipp Guelland
Lindzi Von završava karijeru
Von je triput u karijeri osvajala medalje na Olimpijskim igrama, a ima i sedam medalja sa Svetskih prvenstava.
Amerikanka je kao razlog okončanja navela to da njeno telo jednostavno više ne može da izdrži potrebne napore.
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It’s been an emotional 2 weeks making the hardest decision of my life, but I have accepted that I cannot continue ski racing. I will compete at the World Championships in Downhill and SG next week in Åre, Sweden and they will be the final races of my career. I have always pushed the limits of ski racing and it has allowed me to have amazing success but also dramatic crashes. I have never wanted the storyline of my career to be about injuries and because of that I decided not to tell anyone that I underwent surgery this past spring. A large portion of cartilage that had delaminated from my bone was removed. My crash in Lake Louise last year was much more painful than I let on, but I continued to race because I wanted to win a medal in the Olympics for my late grandfather. Again, I rehabbed my way back this summer and I felt better than I had in a long time. Then I crashed in Copper this November and injured my left knee, tearing my LCL plus sustaining 3 fractures. Despite extensive therapy, training and a knee brace, I am not able make the turns necessary to compete the way I know I can. My body is broken beyond repair and it isn't letting me have the final season I dreamed of. My body is screaming at me to STOP and it’s time for me to listen. Honestly, retiring isn’t what upsets me. Retiring without reaching my goal is what will stay with me forever. However, I can look back at 82 World Cup wins, 20 World Cup titles, 3 Olympic medals, 7 World Championship medals and say that I have accomplished something that no other woman in HISTORY has ever done, and that is something that I will be proud of FOREVER! I always say, “Never give up!” So to all the the kids out there, to my fans who have sent me messages of encouragement to keep going… I need to tell you that I’m not giving up! I’m just starting a new chapter. Don’t lose faith in your dreams, keep fighting for what you love, and if you always give everything you have you’ll be happy no matter what the outcome. Thank you for the amazing years, for always supporting me, and for making my job so fun. Can’t wait to see some of you in the finish in Åre where I will give it my all one last time. Love always, Lindsey
A post shared by L I N D S E Y • V O N N (@lindseyvonn) on Feb 1, 2019 at 7:22am PST
– Posle mnogo neprespavanih noći prihvatila sam to da ne mogu da nastavim. Takmičiću se na Svetskom prvenstvu sledeće nedelje u Švedskoj i to će biti moja poslednja trka u karijeri. Poslednje dve nedelje su bile veoma emotivno iscrpljujuće, kao nikada do sada u mom životu. Borim se da shvatim realnost koju mi telo govori i da ne slušam moj mozak i srce koji mi govore na šta sam sve spremna. Ovo je nesrećna realnost u kojoj moj um i telo nemaju isto mišljenje – navela je Von.
Von će zbog penzionisanja ostati na četiri pobede od rekorda Ingemar Stenmark od 86 pobeda na Svetskim kupovima, a Amerikanka je inače osvajanjem bronzane medalje u Koreji postala najstarija osvajačica medalje na Zimskim olimpijskim igrama svih vremena.