Šta li je Džek Griliš, igrač sredine terena Aston Vile, zgrešio tom obesnom navijaču kada ga je ovaj na tako grub način udario pesnicom u glavu. Zbilo se to u prvom poluvremenu pri 0:0.
Navijač je uhapšen i sproveden je u zatvor. Kažu da se zove Pol Mičel i da ima troje dece.
Onomad se nešto slično dogodilo i u škotskom fudbalu na meču Hibernijana i Rendžersa (1:1), ali ni izbliza nije bilo ovako kafanski kao na Birmingemovom stadionu.
Aston Vila je pobedila s 1:0. U 67. minutu strelac je bio – Griliš.
? @WMPolice confirm the @BCFC fan who attacked @JackGrealish1 has been arrested.
? He is en route to a custody block where he will await further investigation.
? A shocking incident, handled with real class by @JackGrealish1. ? pic.twitter.com/7cbu7m4hQN
— SPORF (@Sporf) March 10, 2019
This is the Birmingham fan that just attacked Grealish. His name is Paul Mitchell and he’s got 3 kids. Get this going around, What a prick. #avfc #grealish pic.twitter.com/TzngaSBHbE
— Harry (@HarryJAVFC) March 10, 2019