Sivi mercedes uleteo je u masu tokom parade u centralnonemačkom gradu Folksmarsen.
Povređeno je desetak ljudi, prema lokalnim izveštajima.
Incident se dogodio oko 14.30 sati tokom karnevala.
Muškarac koji se nalazio na mestu vozača uhapšen je, ali i dalje nije poznat motiv napada.
image of the incident in Volkmarsen
— Xy5Z89?? (@Xy5Z89) February 24, 2020
no is shared on social medoa sevral injured
— Xy5Z89?? (@Xy5Z89) February 24, 2020
Images of the area were the incident happen. The prepartor is arrested. No info is given if he was drunk or he did this as a attack ! 15 Injured most were childrens
— Xy5Z89?? (@Xy5Z89) February 24, 2020
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